We aim to positively impact people's climbing with activities that connect,
develop and inspire.
For over 12 years the Women's Climbing Symposium has embraced the global climbing community, sourcing speakers and coaches from all backgrounds (inside and outside the climbing world) to nurture innovation and ensure the event continues to be diverse, interesting and exciting for all participants.
Becoming a key climbing event in the calendar for many women, headline speakers Lynn Hill, Shauna Coxsey, Sasha DiGiulian, Beth Rodden, Hazel Findlay, Anoushé Husain, Abby Dione, Melissa Le Nevé and many, many more elite women athletes have inspired the women's climbing community to pursue their goals.


I'm newly relocated to the UK and I had been upset to leave my climbing community behind. The Women's Climbing Symposium made me feel accepted and realise I'm just as much a part of the climbing community here as I've ever been.
- Lauren


I’d never been to a women only climbing event and the difference it made was staggering; I felt so relaxed and confident, and learnt a lot in the coaching workshops being in an environment where I didn't feel afraid to do poorly or look stupid.
- Susie


As a Chef at The Climbing Hangar, Sheffield it was such a blessing to be involved with this symposium, and not only get to see the internal workings but also attend some talks and feel the magic of the event for myself. The center has never had such a feel-good aura and I find myself wishing we could do this more often!
- April

In 2016 the Women's Climbing Symposium was recognised by the Women's Sport Trust #BeAGamechanger awards for raising the visibility and increasing the impact of women's sport.
In 2019 the International Federation of Sport Climbing nominated the Women's Climbing Symposium for the International Olympic Committee Women in Sport Awards.

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