Do you have a climbing goal for 2017?
Perhaps you need a little extra help in getting there?

There’s no denying that climbing experience is affected by gender, so as part of our offering we’ve created a girls-only climbing trip coached by female climbers. This 1-2 week climbing holiday runs in June 2017 in the sport climbing mecca of Rodellar, or November 2017 in Siurana, Spain.
Here at Rockbusters we always try to be different and we know that some climbing coaching trips can be a bit macho. It’s not about who can climb highest or the fastest, it’s about challenging yourself and getting better. The days may be testosterone-free but we’ll help you to push your personal limits and reach your goals!
Of course, you might not be averse to the macho stuff, you might just fancy a girls holiday and the chance to meet some new climbing partners, with no agenda. Whatever your reasons, this trip takes place in the single best sport climbing location in Spain - Rodellar. It’s a unique opportunity for you to climb and hang out with girls who love every minute they spend on the rock. So just grab your climbing shoes and try some new climbing experiences, and a chance to progress in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
All women of all abilities are welcome. As a general rule (although not always) women usually have less strength than the guys but on this trip we’ll show you that power is not everything when it comes to your performance on the rock - precise technique, motivation to learn and a strong focused mind are just as important. We also look into common sticking points such as moving faster, going with the flow, building confidence, and more dynamic and explosive climbing.
Our goal: To improve your climbing performance and overall enjoyment on the rock.
You might also be interested in some of the other wide-ranging trips form Rockbusters. The following are guaranteed to have top female coaches among their experts on hand:

Mental Coaching with Hazel Findlay March 2017
Work on your confidence and fear of falling, or just improve your mental game for huge grade gains.
Rodellar Coaching with Daila Ojeda April/May 2017
Be coached by one of the world's best female sport climbers in this amazing Spanish venue.
Female-only Coaching in Rodellar June/July 2017
Women's-specific coaching to equip you with all the skills and tools you need meet your goals, in a fun friendly environment.
Girls on Rock hosted by Daila Ojeda November 2017
Join Daila Ojeda in the Climbers's Mecca of Siurana to finesse your technique and push your limits.